Monday, 29 April 2013

Pardoo Roadhouse - Day 34

Fletcher : Today we left Marble Bar to go to Pardoo.  We packed our stuff and while packing we payed with the owners of the caravan parks dog, her name is Indi.  She is half dingo and ridgeback.  We got to Pardoo and went to the pool.  We left the pool to go have lunch, we had chips and gravy from the roadhouse then we went back to the pool.

Mackenzie: Today for breakfast I had nuggets and we drove to Pardoo.  When we got there we setup the caravan and went to the pool.  After that, for lunch I had chips and gravy  then went back to the pool.  We watched a DVD and for dinner we had soup.

We didn't have much to pack up this morning and we now have the pack up & set up down to a fine art.  Another play with Indi the dog, although she had ulterior motives, she was just using us to get to Bentley!  The boys topped up the petrol tank with the jerry can before we left as petrol was $1.99 a litre but no complaints when you see how far it has to come, the conditions to get there and we were lucky they had it.  They have a great store/post office that had everything.  We didn't have that far to go today, 150kms to get back out to the main road and then 100kms to Pardoo.  Pretty uneventful trip thank goodness, we had quite a few rivers to cross today but none were flowing, Dan was a bit sad, I was too I think but a bit happy too because its a bit adventurous for me and I know when it happens I will just have to go with it because unlike some of the things I chicken out of there is no getting out and walking or waiting while you do a river crossing.  Pardoo is one of two roadhouses across this stretch from Port Hedland to Broome, the other being Sandfire roadhouse, and lets just say there is some competition between the two when it comes to who is better and why you shouldn't stay at the other.  Pardoo was great, it had the roadhouse and dongas behind and the caravan park behind that. The toilets were borderline for humans to use!  But this really was their only downfall, they needed  real good clean or the building to be removed and start again.  They have a pool so terrible showers and toilets was a small price to pay for the kids having a swim.  We got chips and gravy for lunch and they were amazing, if you ever do this drive you have to stop here just for that, or make a trip just to eat the chips & gravy, they really were that good.  They are also famous for their sausage rolls, so my pie man Dan had to give them a go, lets just say they were $6 each and Dan walked back to the roadhouse for a 2nd.  Ok, ok so we got a 2nd box of chips and gravy too, as Dan always says you have to support the local!    When we ordered the chips we said it looked like a storm, the guy said nah it will go around us, wrong, the wind picked up and the rain started and didn't stop for the whole night.  The storm didn't stop Dan & the kids having a swim, while Bentley and I rested our eyes on the couch in the van!  We may have fell asleep but I will blame the beautiful sound of rain on the caravan for that.  It was strange to see the wind pickup the way it did and the rain set in so quickly.  The sprinklers ran all night mind you and at day break they were swapped to another part of the park.  Its hard to believe that there could be facilities like this at a Roadhouse.  Sandfire didn't disappoint either, although we didn't stay there, it was a little tropical oasis and had peacocks wandering around the petrol station, just when you think you have seen the strangest things in the outback you see beautiful peacocks at a truck stop.

                            one of the buildings damaged by cyclone lua this time last year
                                              the road looking north from Pardoo
                                                                   Pardoo Roadhouse
                                                        Beautiful sunset even in a storm
                                                      the caravan section at Pardoo


  1. Look at those skies,just lovely.All that swimming is wonderful,we'll expect little olympians coming back to us.Have fun,love you xx

  2. Hey Fletch,you're nearly two tyres tall! xx
