Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Nambucca Heads - Day 93

Wooohooo sleep in.  Well Dan did wake at day break and think a conversation was necessary about the weather and the sea breeze, where as I thought going back to sleep and the kids staying asleep was a much better idea!  So it was 10.00 before we woke again which was fantastic.  We booked Daniel a dentist appointment, poor bugger is in pain but he is not a very good sick person.  We headed into Nambucca for some bits and pieces we had a list of jobs to do, new hose fittings, photo store etc.  Mack brought another hat, this one with a monkey on it, she is a hat freak and has so many different winter and summer novelty hats its not funny.  Fletcher got himself a magazine as it came with a free Pokémon thingy, yes he loves Pokemon but it is so far over my head, I try to have a conversation but he then has to explain it to me all over again, bring back bob the builder or Thomas I say.  We did the run around and came back to the van for a while before getting Dan to the dentist.  Lucky we went along for the ride as by the time he came out he was $300 lighter and in more pain than before.  By the time I got back to the van, he was in incredible pain and was doubled over.  I was extremely worried about him as he had the sweats up by now so I rang the dentist and we were told to come back for more numbing and a script, the whole way he was in a bad way so none of us spoke and  I was ignoring his "you don't know how much this hurts" "you have never been in this much pain" hmmmmm, 2 children, childbirth, no pain relief for either, it wasn't until he got to "you just don't understand real pain"  I gently reminded him that the 2 kids in the back seat were indeed my understanding of how much pain he was in and that I was silent during the child birthing experience and he might try that too.  He came out the 2nd time a completely different person, he has had days of pain and then more pain, so to see him feeling better was fantastic.  Off to the chemist for a script and back to the van for dinner and a very quiet relaxed night and some long awaited sleep for him.  Teeth are wicked things. 

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